Hosted by Mary Pax, Christine Raines, Stephen Tremp, and myself
Writers helping other writers to succeed.
Twitter hashtag: #W4WS
Find us on: Facebook
An initiative to promote writers and their books (that’s you)!
(W4WS) will congregate the third Monday of every month to promote 1-3
authors. We’ll be going in order of the sign up.
Our Mission:
• Help writers bring awareness of their book(s) to tens of thousands of new people
• Help writers reach Amazon Top 100 in at least one category (i.e., suspense, free, etc.)
• Increase sales of their book(s) after the promo is over
• Drive new traffic to their blog and increase following
• Create verbal and viral buzz.
How it Works: The
spotlighted author will choose a social media avenue, such as Twitter
or Facebook (or both). Then, the good people of Blogdom will promote the
author’s book to their Twitter followers or Facebook friends, that is,
incredibly large new audiences the author could not reach on their own.
The writer posts an image of their book along with a short blurb and a
link to Kindle on their blog. Visitors simply click the Facebook page,
then share the link with their FB friends. https://www.facebook.com/Writers4Writers
The author posts pre-written Tweets on his/her blog. At your
convenience, simply copy and paste Tweets into Twitter. Or go to #W4WS
on Twitter and Retweet.
W4WS Now Open To The General Public!
W4WS has been very successful. So much so that many people have asked
if they can post links to their books on the W4WS Facebook Page. So
we’ve decided to open it up for anyone and everyone the first ten days
of March and see what happens. If it works out, then we can repeat this
every month moving forward. No sense letting the W4WS FB page lay idle
for all but a few days each month. But please, no spamming!